
  • Industries
    • AI, Big Data, Computing, Networking
  • Computer Vision
    • Mostly using OpenCV
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Technologies
    • ML Libraries: Tensorflow, Keras, scikit-learn (and a little bit of hacking around PyTorch)
    • Worked with ML models based on Random Forests, Boosting Techniques, etc.,
    • Worked with various DNN models like ResNet, Inception, etc.
    • Experience with training DNN models on GPUs
    • Object Detection using SSDs and Yolo
    • Data Science tools used: pandas, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and numerous others
    • Reasonable knowledge of Hadoop
  • Cloud Technologies
    • Mostly AWS
    • Implemented several tools and libraries using boto3
    • Services used in projects: EC2, S3, AWS IoT Core, Lambda, etc.
  • Databases
    • SQL, Cassandra, Redis (basic knowledge)
  • Languages
    • Python (intermediate to advanced)
    • C++ (basic)